Last week a woman called and asked if I could stay a little later than my closing time, she was at Michael's and couldn't find "just the right frame". The framer had given her my card and told her "She'll find what you want".
We did, exactly what she had envisioned, but had to do some looking. She said "I'm so glad they told me about you, I didn't know this shop was here!" (We're working on that, previous owner's well-kept secret!)
Michael's was having their 50%-off-entire-order sale. I quoted her my full price. She was happy because she'd "found what she wanted", and then brought back two more.
I called and thanked the M's framer for referring her. It pays to be on good terms with these BB stores. We frequently refer folks to each other when we know they can do what we can't. They don't have to be the Enemy, and you don't have to be theirs! Go in and introduce yourself, give them some of your cards (I know of many M's stores where this is allowed), send someone to them now and then (drymount a huge poster? I don't have a big press, etc)
And it isn't always about the price, as this incident shows. I'm sure she'll go back there when she wants "the deal" that I would lose most of my profit if I tried to match(their 70%off!), but when she wants "just the right frame", she'll be back to my shop. I love it!