60 x 40 Bulletin Board w/Removable Front


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
Being braindead recently, I need a kick in the memory. Besides plexiboxes with the gravity groove, what's the easiest way to do a removable front? How about attaching the backing to the wall and "dropping and pinning" the frame which is fitted with plex. Or framed backing with flat moulding and another moulding velcro'd or magnet-ed to it?

Or if we don't do a plex front, another option would be coroplast and just frame it and velcro the pix on. This is a testimonial presentation board for a weight-loss clinic.

How thick does coroplast come and in colors?

As for easy, I don't think there is such an animal. No matter which method I've used (hinges, magnets, etc.) they all seem to be a pain in the rear...I guess because we only do these once in a blue moon.

As for the coroplast, it comes in about 10 colors but all very bright. I know it comes in several thicknesses also but I'm not at the store so I can't say for sure. I'll try to post a link to my supplier's site so you can see the color chart.

I built a very effective bulletin board using an old ornate frame. Built a small framework out of scrap and put some hinges on the frame. Added black foamcore and a small hasp & lock and presto! Works very well and have received lots of good comments from customers.
Thanx for the help so far: actually, I'm hoping they opt for the open-front-no-glazing thing. they will not like the cost of the other--for sure--and I think 60 x 40 is a little bulky for a hinge application.

Didn't think about the WallBuddy on the wall, though: pretty good suggestion.

The web address to look at the colors of coroplast is www.coroplast.com/color.htm . I know it comes at least 5MM, should say more about thickness on the website. My supplier in Dallas does not stock all colors in all thicknesses, but can order them for me as needed...so whoever you buy from, see what they can get before offing colors to clients ;) .
Good luck, sounds like one of THOSE projects.
