5 jersies that won't come back!


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 8, 2004
Just got a call from a school doing a golf outing. They were given 5 sports jersies to auction off at the event. A Gretzky, A-Rod and a few others.
HE called at 5oclock on thursday and wants them monday.
I don't have any shadowbox moulding in stock because I order length as needed due to the size of my shop.
Hence he said thanks anyway, maybe I'll call next time and hung up before I could try to red lable something from a suplier.
5 jersies that sale could have been big bucks, but could have beens are like should have beens, they don't count and you can't pay the rent with them.
Just one of those calls that frustrates me that I thought I would pass along.
It's a beautiful day and I have a toddler at home that is waiting for me to push her on the swing.
I guess I really have nothing to complain about.

Have a good night all.
Hurry up we need these yesterday, and did we tell you that we only have $150 to do all five?

I have had some jobs like that, and in the end it seem like I made about $5 a hour on the job.
Sometimes it's nice to pass around the charity jobs.
Hey Jb,
Don't sweat it.... if they didn't have enough time for you to try to help them, then they won't get their jersy's done on time... you can't worry about those things... it may have just been a prank????? hey, just looking for the silver lining....

I hate those missed oportunities too my friend, but that is part of the deal.

Chin UP!
It's my experience with auctions that:

Beauitfully framed: Gretzky goes for $300

Unframed: Gretzky goes for $300

Then they think I may need framing....

You did good Jb/
We stock a lot of moulding very rarely do we have to turn a job away period!~ If we do have to turn it away. It is more than likely because we are too busy or they only have a budget that would not do two let alone three or five!~

Now that you have run across this here is a little tip!~

First when they tell you what they want always ask questions before you answer any!~ They are less likely to be rude if you know who they are and were they are from (Organization )!~ How many people are going to be at the auction?
Then if you cannot get it done tell them that!~ You would be glad to donate a coupon for $50.00 off or a percentage off (on framing for the jersey) to be auctioned off with the each jersey or seperately!~
Whatever you do don't breath between those two sentences!~ you will lose them. They are in a hurry to call everyone they can!~ make sure they have the auctioneer mention you business name at least 5-10 times per jersey!~

The other thing if they do ask you to donate it all. Unless it is to be auctioned off in a crowd of 500 Doctors, Attorneys, CEO's, Chairman of the board types or more!~ Your name is to be mentioned at least 35 times during the auction. Your name mentioned in all publicity printed of radio. In addition you get invited to the auction and recognized by the Auctioneer as the framer or Frame shop!~

If they won't go for that Tell them you will match dollar for dollar what they spend on the framing. But again Your name mentioned at least 10 times with each jersey & in the auction program with each listing of the jersey. In addition You get invited to the auction and recognized by the Auctioneer as the framer or Frame shop!~

If not possible call me next year a little earlier!~ good luck with your auction!~

Flip open you calendar to three weeks before this time next year. Make note that such and such organization has an action coming up call to see if they want anything framed!~

I framed something with the premise of dollar for dollar and an invite to the auction!~ Great limited edition print of a watercolor of a Marine Corps Dress Blues!~ told the people it should go for at least the full retail of the print and the retail of the framing. Well, got to the auction turned out there was only 40 people at this auction. the bidding was pathetic!~ I bid on it!~ It went for $15.00 less than what they actually paid me!~ I was the winning bidder. I got paid for the framing and then I got a tax deduction because it was for a charity. Brought it back to the shop and sold it 4 months later for the full price of the original print and 50% of the full retail value of the framing. Now that was fun!~~~~
Thanks for the comments and suggestions, as usual I got some great advice and ideas for next time.

I had a great time with my little one and the swing and a fun night at home.

Have a great day to all!
Originally posted by Harry:
... it may have just been a prank?????
That is what I was thinking. Could be a local Grumbler with time on their hands.

I would get a good 30 minute gut busting ROTFLMAO after doing that to some other framers in town.
Framers of NC... beware.

You're my kind of drinkin buddy Jerry. :D
Ever pull outhouses backward about 6 feet as a kid?
No Jay, it was before your time...

I'm talkin' about little houses with a moon cut in the door. Usually had a Sears catalog inside next to a kind of seat.

There is a Society to preserve outhouse made from Birch (I know, this should be on the Brich Bark thread)... anyway, It's called the Birch John Society.
Why the prejudice?

I would think that cedar would make a much more appropriate outhouse anyway. Are the maple johns not worth saving? Every john counts!
I have always loved this phrase:
Elsa after framing for over 29 years you do learn a few things along the way!~
I hope it helped a few other framers!~ Donations are not a one way street it should be both ways. Consider your return on goods donated!~

But then if you just blindly donate please email me!~ I am taking all donations at this time.