3rd Place PPFA Ohio

j Paul

PFG, Picture Framing God
Feb 23, 2004
Here is our first entry into a PPFA contest. We knew going in we were putting more emphasis on the artwork we encluded than on the brush, but we were using the piece in an exhibition that was being held with the rediscovered works of this late Toledo artist. We were the official framer for the show.

Doesn't show in the photo to well but the opening for the brush has the bevel hand painted and then black bevel accents and black velvet pouch to nest the brush in and the clear fastners from EZ-Tach system. One in the groove area of the metal and one hid in plain sight at the other end of handle.

Shadow box is Larson Juhl ( 2 - 2 1/2" ?) made the eazel out of pine and scrap moulding and painted. The box the brush is in has the corners mitered for a finished corner.
That's pretty cool. I hope you'll be doing more competitions.
What a great framing job - and I love the addition of the brush - from the looks of the paint on the handle it is funny to see the bristles so darned clean!!! LOL!

I'd have given you a first place for that job!
Mar, sorry to have to set you straight, but the brush was the main object to be framed in the PPFA competition. They were new brushes made to look used.
Oh! Silly me - I just assumed it was the painting! And the brush thrown in for realism - first saw that done at the Burchfield Penny Gallery in Buffalo - they did that with one of Charles Burchfield's paintings and lined the frame with his actual used brushes.

As a matter of fact I am just now working on a little shrine box for Kim which includes one of her brushes, a paint-laden Exacto knife and other artifacts she left at the shop (which have more meaning to me than to her hubby!).
Angie - I was gonna photograph it today but it seems I just keep finding more artifacts to add to it! Soon, I promise it will be finished and I'll post the photo!
ok, one more time.

I won poppular choice in the nc chapter. Looks like we had a similar concept.
Nice job Michelle, the colours and balance really take me. I do have one small (very small) kwestion that makes me "um-arh???" about it which is the size of the painting included, would that be possible with a brush that size? (I use cameras, not brushes (except in Photoshop...)).

Should you ever have any trouble with a post or topic in this forum, or if anyone want help with posting images please email or private message me from the buttons atop this post.
Yeah, good question. Bigger problem was there is not a lick of paint on the brush itself. LOL. I didn't have time to execute as i would have liked. I wanted to use floral as full background with lace or somethin sheer as a cover to relly soften the image and let the brush (float mounted on a plexi glass pallett) stand out. It was my first compitition and i was more intrested in the process than anything. I had fun.

It's attached using fishing line in two places. They are hard to see in real life too. I painted the line to blend into the brush. Thanks for asking.
