MATS: How does your shop cut mats? (pick any that apply)

  • Manual: Tabletop matcutter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Manual: Handheld matcutter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CMC: Eclipse (LT/XL/PRO)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CMC: Gunnar (F1/Rapido/601/3001/2001/1001)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CMC: Mat Maestro (disc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CMC: Valiani (Future, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CMC: Zund (L800, etc)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OTHER: (please explain in a post)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture

A survey that compares how we've applied technology such as matcutters/cmcs, pricing/POS systems, visualization, internet access, websites, etc A brief comparison of backup procedures and computer security.

It will be interesting to compare the results of the past 3 years.
Your input and discussion are greatly appreciated!

RESULTS from previous surveys: LINK TO RESULTS

-This survey is intended for framers.
-Your poll selections are anonymous, although discussion is public and encouraged.
-The results represent only a small sample of the industry, and should NOT be used as a planning tool or business plan.
-This survey is purely for entertainment and discussion.
Great poll, well thought out and important subject matter. Keep up the good work.
That's quite a comprehensive survey, Mike. Thanks for taking the time to put it up.

I marked "Other" for monthly cost of web hosting. I really can't recall the price I pay, but it happens in February and I pay the annual price for both of my sites in one payment. I'm sure it's around $200 for both sites for the year.

This kind of poll makes me wonder what the results would look like if ALL framers -- small shop, basement, backyard, factory -- could be included. I'm guesing the answers would look a whole lot different. For one thing, I'm sure a smaller percentage of respondents would have POS software, and few would have a CMC.
I voted "other" on cost of web page. Our ISP provides space with the package and doesn't detail what amunt is for the web page space. Interesting poll. Thanks
Thanks for the feedback.

JPete: Ill change that for next year to take your situation into account.

Hopefully the word gets out there and we get a lot of participants!

It may not represent everyone, but the results are still interesting. Hopefully it will generate discussions about backup procedures, web sites, antivirus, and wireless networking dangers/security.

I wonder if people know the diference between "unique visitors" and "hits" on a website. Somebody has the highest choice???
Another awesome job Mike!

On your previous surveys results page, if it isn't too much trouble to add it'd be kinda nice to know what the total number of participants was. That would give us a better interpretation knowing the total sample size, and also would be interesting to see if the total participation in the poll itself is waxing / waning...

But again, thanks for taking the time to do these great surveys..
2003: 117 participants
2004: 121 participants
2005: Let's get the word out!
Of course, the poll has a pre-selection algorithm ... ie. you have to be technically savvy enough to find the poll before you can take it. Makes you somewhat pre-disposed to be a technology user!
I selected "other" for backups, unless I missed it... We have a laptop that runs a backup each day shortly before closing which can then be picked up and taken home.
I'm interested in the last statistic. You have less than 200 participants in a group of how many thousand?

Anyone get the feeling lots of folks aren't participating? Wonder why???
Your last question, #13, is missing one choice, which is the "Does not apply" choice. It is in all of the other questions and since I do not use a computer for my business it was needed. In question 13, none of the choices applied but I had to answer with one of the choices because it wouldn't let me close without it...so it doesn't give you a very accurate count without that choice option. Otherwise, a good pole.
We're only a week into this poll, but already some interesting results worth discussing.

The results as of now seem to indicate:

-About 95% have internet access at the shop, of which nearly 75% are high speed.

-Nearly 2/3 have a CMC or order CMC cuts from their vendor.

-About 1 in 5 shops surveyed have a visualization system

-About 13% of shops surveyed write up orders on paper. Almost 2/3 use a commercial POS product.

-Less than half do daily backups

-Less than a third store backups off-site to protect from fire or theft.

-Only about half of the shops with wireless networks have them secured. (anyone from up to a few blocks away can turn on their computer and potentially access their quicken, pos, customer files, etc)

-At least 5% use BOTH Windows and MAC pcs

-About a third do some form of online ordering

Any comments, concerns, ideas? How can we get more shops to participate?

A person can choose multiple answers for that question. I did it this way in case a shop has both a CMC and manual cutter, or in case they have multiple cmc's.

We use the CMC for everything, but have a table cutter in the closet just in case she ever breaks - so I chose both.

That's why you're seeing high numbers for the manual side.

Does that make sense?

It does make sense Mike, however I think that the stats could be made more accurate, with an area of vagueness removed...

Wall matcutter: Does that mean one of the two manual pneumatic matcuters on the market? (Esterly Speedmat / Fletcher Valiani MatPro) or does it mean the shop also uses a wallcutter to size the outside dimensions? (Fletcher F-3000, F-3100, C&H or Keencut Excalibur).

I think two categories here might help or definitions like machines used to cut the OPENINGS of mats Vs. outside dimensions.

The results wouldn't change that much - as always a great survey - good to see this posted as an annual thing.

Great suggestions. Thanks!

I've already written up the 2006 survey with about 10 small changes, and will put this in too. It's much easier to do it now, while the material is fresh in my mind.

If you think of anything else, let me know
I notice that you list both Frameready and Specialtysoft as POS choices for counter design. Aren't they the same program?

Canton Joe
Hello Joe

No, actually they are very different programs, but are often compared as they're among the top 3 POS products:

SpecialtySoft is from Specialty Software Systems, Inc. (Wilmington, NC USA)

FrameReady is from Softouch Solutions, Inc (Ontario, Canada)

LifeSaver is from LifeSaver Software, Inc (Atlanta, GA USA)

FULL LIST of POS products

Uh, Duh...I was thinking of Softouch. How could I forget about Specialty Soft, an company out of Wilmington, NC, the home of the best BBQ in the world (Flips BBQ).
Almost 1/2 of those polled said they had no interest in visulization software?????

That really puts things in perspective.