I, too, once posted about the melting rubber bumpons. Although rare, this problem is widespread and is known to 3M. I E-mailed 3M a several times and got one response from a Technicnal Service Rep. His reply was interesting. I asked permission to post his comments on this forum, but I got no reply back. Therefore, I ask his forgiveness:
"Hi Scott:
First of all, sorry for my delayed response to your E-Mail.
I have a marketing
colleague, Ms. Maureen Breheim, who works almost exclusively with the
picture framer industry in the US...and has monitored the grumble site,
making me aware of the "melting" problem some months ago. The posting was
created by me per her recommendation, and we of course are still interested
in getting feedback about problems of this nature.
All 3M Bumpon(tm) products are made from polyurethane, and differ only very
slightly between the colored and clear versions. We do not sell a silicone
bumper at this time. In fact, the performance characteristics and
properties for clear and colored Bumpons are virtually the same, since the
adhesives used in their construction are the same as well.
Although we are aware of complaints regarding "softening" or reversion of
the material, most product (upon our customer's and our estimation of age
and installation time on frames) appears to be 5 - 7 years old or older,
and typically sold prior to '96. It is possible for this thermosetting
type of plastic to soften prematurely due to exposure to high temperatures
and humidity, but we have received sporadic complaints that purportedly
were not exposed to anything but room temperature conditions.
SInce we make many millions of Bumpons, and no pattern of significant
failure percentage has been able to be established with respect to a
specific lot number or manufacturing time, we have informally worked with
individual customers, helping to remove softened material from walls,
and/or selectively replacing product, if doing so helps maintain customers
confidence and loyalty toward Bumpon(tm) products.
We are confident that manufacturing process and quality control procedures
are in place to assure you of product that maintains target hardness and
other performance properties. We assure you that 3M Bumpon(tm) products,
either purchased recently, or purchased new today, are expected to perform
to your complete satisfaction.
Can you tell me more about these "softened bump" complaints you have
experienced (both recently and in the past)? How old do you estimate them
to be? How often and how many complaints have you received? Are they a
single color and shape that have softened?
Most importantly....what can we do to help assist with the customers that
have complained to you? Help insure they get replacement product and/or
assist them in cleaning their walls or frames?
Please let me know how I can be of any additional assistance.
Best regards,
Steve Hurlburt
3M Center - Building 230-2F-12, 01/089
Technical Service Specialist - Industrial Tape and Specialties Division
Tel: (651) - 733-6080
Fax: (651) - 736-6806 E-Mail: sahurlburt@mmm."
I think a little hint on how to clean the wall might build some good will in this industry. For now, I'm switching to felt bumpers.