3 way picture

Merlin Framers

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jan 24, 2003
Cornwall. England
A first attempt at a 3 way picture. Viwed from the front, it shows the Royal Navy's new MERLIN helicopter flying over St Michaels Mount in Cornwall. I was trained on this helicopter before retiring. The left hand view. Viewed at 45 degrees, show the White Ensign. The Right hand view, shows the Union Flag.
I have learnt a lot by doing this, like do not use glossy paper, as the reflection of the flags show up on the front-on view.


That's very interesting, John, I've never seen anything like it. Can you explain how it is done?
Merlin ;I've seen these done before but I assumed that the photography work was left to the photographer or artist(I seen this done with prints also).This would intimadate me to no end.What would happen if you'd cut one of the prints wrong?In this cae it's your 's but the client might not be to happy to have to supply multple copies beyond what was originally sent.
Is it easier than it looks? Are there tiangular molds that can be purchased for doing this or do you have to make the substrata also?
This is easier than it looks. Now that I have done one - that is..
The overall size if only A3 approx 12" x 16". All that is required is 3 pictures of the same size.
As follows in the plan; Drymount the 'centre' picture onto Mountboard then cut all three pictures into 2cm strips and number them. In my case 1 to 19. On the vertical risers glue or ATG strip 1 (left picture) to strip 1 (right picture) then slot between strip 1 (centre picture) and strip 2 (centre picture).. etc etc...
Would I do it again with a customers pieces.. Yes I would.
One reason for doing it, is to catch the eye of the passing trade. I have placed it in the centre of my main window, about 4" away from the glazing. It is quite funny watching their reactions and a boost to hear their comments. "WOW that is clever", "That is impressive", etc
Hopefully the following diagram will help to show what I mean.. If not then just come back with more questions
Wow, Merlin, you are a real wizard!!! What a great idea - gonna have to try that!

Another approach I copied from an artist's exhibit at the Albright Knox many years ago. This artist also cut pictures into strips, but narrower, then mounted them in an alternate fashion, so you see both pictures at once, but you can focus back and forth and see two images. I made one with two black and white photos of my cat. One was the classic cat sitting upright pose, the other was a closeup of her face. I cut them into 1/4" strips for the piece. and back then, I dry mounted them. If I did another, I would use PMA. It is really funny to see folk's reactions to this. I should put it into my window!

Thanks for the great idea and the instructions!