3-D Framing?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Sep 18, 2002
Huntington Beach, CA
Good Morning All!

I went to a local frame shop and saw a large landscape framed in, what I thought, was a really interesting way.

The framer had cut the landscape so that the major part of the landscape was matted as usual but about 2 inches of the boarder of the landscape had been raised (with spacers) about 1/4" (?) above the other part giving the impression of 3-D without disturbing the over-all effect of the landscape. He really did a nice job.

I couldn't stay long and the picture was quite high for me to see the technique.

Anyone use this technique? If yes, would you offer some detail, process, bevel's, etc.?

Thanks, Cliff P.
Cliff I agree this can be an interesting effect if it is the one I think you are refering to.It is accomplished by useing TWO identical prints and cuting them in a 3D Double Bevel effect after they have been dry mounted to a Mat or some other strata. However there are some very BIG Cautions. First this is pruely a decrotive treatment and should never be done to any Collectable or resellable art. The reasons are Both treatments that have been described DESTROY art. This is not to mention that even if one of the prints is used WHOLE it must be dry mounted which is very difficult to revrerse if not impossible to return to it's original condition and as such depreciates the value of the art to almost nil.This is aside from the fact that such treatment may be seen by some as competeing with the Artist.
But I have seen it done with purely decrotive pieces and I must admit consumers LOVED it. However My clientel would cringe when they herad what something like this cost for a nice decoration,but maybe some wouldn't.And maybe I have the wrong Treatment in mind.LOL
Hi Buddy,

You have it right, this is what I'm talking about.

Yes, I was only going to do it with some cheap artwork that showed well as a decorative piece.

What is the best showing, reverse bevel on the top mat or...?

It really does show well. I had a couple of people looking at the same time and they were commenting on the piece and discussing where they would hang it. This of course caught my interest as you would guess.

Thanks for you're response!

best Cliff P.
I have a few examples of this technique hanging in my gallery now. I will try to find time tomorrow to take some photos and post them on the Picture Frame Design forum for those who are interested.

I will explain the techinque thoroughly when I post the photos but, I only use one print. I cover the cut line with a fillet so it appears to be part of the original print that is inset by bout 3/16", the thickness of the foamboard that I mounted the print on. It will be easy to understand once you read and see how it is done.

Oh Law! Does anybody remember "Holly Hobbie" prints? They were this little girl with a very big bonnet that always covered her face (I don't think the artist could paint faces) but anyway, they were available in several different settings - general store, old fashioned pharmacy, etc. We sold tons of those in sets of 2 and 3 prints for people to cut out and "3-d decoupage" on plaques or in shadowboxes. It was done in layers with silicone glue.

Hey, this was the 70's ya know!

Unfortunately, I do remember Holly Hobby, and even have one running around here, somewhere, Betty. :eek: This is very different, though, and has been very popular around here for quite a while. The folks here, though, don't use the fillet, Tom. I'll be interested to see how that fits in. All of the ones that I've done here, and the one's I've seen done just show a regular bevel on the inside edge of the top mat. They also usually insert a couple of layers of colored matboard between the printed layers, along with foamcore spacers. (I sure do hope that's clear. I don't have any pictures of any of them right now.) I try to talk my out of doing them, because the way they are done, here, with all the mats and such, they are a PIA to do.
Cliff i can't show photos but Tom's will work just fine since the limits are in your imagination.The ones i saw sometimes covered parts of one print and ued plain mats between other araes of print on varing layers but ther is no set pattern and I have never actually done this.
There's a whole club (almost a cult) of 3d "artists" around here. They use hot glue, but otherwise the technique is the same as in the 70's. They never want to spend a lot of money on their frames...

On the other 3d effect, I have painted extensions of a print's image onto the top mat, usually just a little on the sides, not all over. It's a dramatic effect, and does not harm the print's value. I use acrylic paint, or colored pencil, or pastels, whatever will most match the print.

I'll take a look and if I have pictures, I'll post them in the design forum.
Well, I was going to add this link to the photos that I referred to in my earlier post but the rules have changed now and I went over the "limit" for editing.

So here is the link to the photos on 3D framing:

3D Framing photos

Mount a print on one of cresants color core say white with yellow, cut out the print as though cutting a mat and the dropout will fit behind. I did this for a 4-H'er. I'm easy when it comes to helping kids.

I've also done large photos by using mats and off setting like Tom did. No need for two prints.
Thanks all!

JPete I just completed a project using your approach, turned out beautiful and the customer nearly had tears in her eyes! (from happiness, wink)

The Customer wants two more done so this time I'll follow Tom's technique on one and let the Customer decide on the third presentation.

Thanks, Cliff P.