21 Century


Founder of the G
Forum Donor
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Well, I'm sitting in a bar, "Jacob Wirth" in Boston. They have a free wireless network. This is a 1st for me. My wife is busy with a major promotion for her company and I stuck here with little to do but watch everyone work. It's all the free beer I can drink tonight. Except I don't drink beer anymore.

I'm still catching up to the 20th century. Getting a faster connection at the house on Monday. Might go nuts and get a cell phone if I have a good month. . .

Maybe sometime I'll get up that way to not have a beer with you.
I plan to move into the 21st century when I move into a 100 year old house.

My kids have been begging for cable internet access for years (since before anyone invented it, I think.) Now that they're gone (Sarah's moving in a week) I think I'll finally get it, along with Vonage or some such similar internet phone service.

I'm just not sure where to plug the phone into my TRS-80 computer.
This is so true! We finally got broadband internet and digital cable about a month ago. Got my first cell phone two months ago.

I might be finally growing up to be a big boy...as soon as my son teaches me enough about all of this!

(My beer of choice is O'Douls - all the taste without the dizzies!)
I got my first cell phone a couple of months ago too. My husband thought it would be best to keep it in my pocket for "when I'm alone", since my hip surgery. Now, if I can only figure how to work the darn thing!

I got a new digital camera yesterday, the manual is an inch thick! Argh!! I may go back to 35mm!

Still cutting mats on a regular mat cutter...didn't know what a CMC was until I got here. Getting a POS soon...I used to think that meant...well,never mind. Now I know better.

Sometimes I feel like such a Dinosaur! Will we ever catch up??
I haven’t been in Jake Wirth’s in years, but I find it disappointing that they have gone wireless. That “watering hole” has been around for at least 150 years, I would guess. Some treasures should stay just the way they are.

What’s next, strobe lights in the Old North Churcho or quiche served at Durgan Park?

The world has gone mad I tell you.

Originally posted by framer tg::
Well, I'm sitting in a bar...They have a free wireless network. This is a 1st for me....It's all the free beer I can drink tonight. Except I don't drink beer anymore.
Caution: To avoid saying anything embarrassing online, it's a good idea to turn off the computer before you order the third Martini. Don't ask me how I know that. :D
Originally posted by RoboFramer:
I just bought a gramaphone..... !
Hey me too! From the Victor Talking Machine Co. I love it! What will they think of next?