This will be posted here but the entries will be on display in the Frame Design section of the Grumble.
First I need to thank Kathy Wymore for her help. She had accepted the responsibility of all aspects of judging. Any questions about the judges and how they are judging should be addressed to her. Thanks Kathy.
Next I need to thank the judges Mark Klostermeyer, Jim Miller, and John Ranes.
I need to thank Cornel Rosca with American Choice and Peter Ackerman with United for really stepping up to the plate and offering some first class prizes.
Cornel will not approve of this introduction but I don't care. He makes what might be the finest closed corner frames on the market. He has offered to give 10 photo frames to each winner in the competition. You may think, “Who needs 10 photo frames?” Well you have absolutely no idea what your in for. These works of art might be the best frames you ever place in your gallery. Take a look at this sampling.
If you don’t know whom United Manufacturing Supplies is then you probably shouldn’t waste your time entering. Anybody who knows anything about framing, knows who United is. He has donated a $50 gift credit toward purchases of products from United to each winner.
Please support them by BUYING SOMETHING!
Thanks again Peter and Cornel! To tell you the truth, while I’m glad to carry on with what Angie started, not being eligible for prizes saddens me. You guys help make this worthwhile.
Now that the important stuff is out of the way here are the rules of this year’s competition.
The categories are:
(1) Objects/Shadowboxes (anything thicker than 1/4”)
(2) Art/prints on Canvas
(3) Works on Paper (posters, photos, LE Prints)
(4) *Specialty Matting (washed lines, embossing, you name it)
(5) Needlework/Textiles
(6) Collages (more than one of whatever)
If there is fewer than five entries in any particular category, it will be combined with a similar category.
*Most items in this category could possibly go into one of the others also but it’s your choice.
Email photos of entries to . The subject line must have the title of the category you wish to enter i.e. “Specialty Matting” or “Needlework/Textiles”
The photos should be an attachment to that email
Include the details of the framed item to be posted with the picture, follow this format:
1) Frame used:
2) Matting used:
3) Description of item framed:
4) Description of framing design
5) Other comments you would like to share about the project (like items used, techniques used)
6) Your name and Grumble handle and address.
NEW! You can enter one frame in as many categories as you choose.
You may only enter one frame per category.
You may send a maximum of 3 photos per entry. Keep the sizes reasonable and they may be resized. Anything under 600x600 is great.
All photos must be received by July 20 12:00 PM (my time, if you're going to cut it that close you might not be entered).
All entries will remain anonymous.
Any hints or messages in threads to identify your piece will disqualify yourself.
You must be the person who framed the piece.
If you do not receive an email of acceptance in a day or two, contact me via a Private Message on the Grumble.
The entries will tentatively be posted the week of the 26th and judging will take place soon after that.
Judges will pick a winner for each category. The Grumble will vote for a popular choice winner which will also win awards.
Unfortunately you can only win once. In the even that some wicked awesome framer were to win more than one category, the second place winner will be awarded the prized but you will receive all bragging rights!
If you are outside the USA you are welcome to enter but I'm not certian if will recieve prizes. That will be up to the ones donating.
Like last year, you may enter pieces that have been posted on here before but its discouraged.
I'm sure I'll put something here I missed.
I hope this will again reinforce just why the Grumble is the only real Internet forum for framers. And a final thanks to William McKay for the obvious. Thanks man!
Enjoy and lets the entries pour in starting..............................NOW.
Carry on.
First I need to thank Kathy Wymore for her help. She had accepted the responsibility of all aspects of judging. Any questions about the judges and how they are judging should be addressed to her. Thanks Kathy.
Next I need to thank the judges Mark Klostermeyer, Jim Miller, and John Ranes.
I need to thank Cornel Rosca with American Choice and Peter Ackerman with United for really stepping up to the plate and offering some first class prizes.
Cornel will not approve of this introduction but I don't care. He makes what might be the finest closed corner frames on the market. He has offered to give 10 photo frames to each winner in the competition. You may think, “Who needs 10 photo frames?” Well you have absolutely no idea what your in for. These works of art might be the best frames you ever place in your gallery. Take a look at this sampling.

If you don’t know whom United Manufacturing Supplies is then you probably shouldn’t waste your time entering. Anybody who knows anything about framing, knows who United is. He has donated a $50 gift credit toward purchases of products from United to each winner.
Please support them by BUYING SOMETHING!
Thanks again Peter and Cornel! To tell you the truth, while I’m glad to carry on with what Angie started, not being eligible for prizes saddens me. You guys help make this worthwhile.
Now that the important stuff is out of the way here are the rules of this year’s competition.
The categories are:
(1) Objects/Shadowboxes (anything thicker than 1/4”)
(2) Art/prints on Canvas
(3) Works on Paper (posters, photos, LE Prints)
(4) *Specialty Matting (washed lines, embossing, you name it)
(5) Needlework/Textiles
(6) Collages (more than one of whatever)
If there is fewer than five entries in any particular category, it will be combined with a similar category.
*Most items in this category could possibly go into one of the others also but it’s your choice.
Email photos of entries to . The subject line must have the title of the category you wish to enter i.e. “Specialty Matting” or “Needlework/Textiles”
The photos should be an attachment to that email
Include the details of the framed item to be posted with the picture, follow this format:
1) Frame used:
2) Matting used:
3) Description of item framed:
4) Description of framing design
5) Other comments you would like to share about the project (like items used, techniques used)
6) Your name and Grumble handle and address.
NEW! You can enter one frame in as many categories as you choose.
You may only enter one frame per category.
You may send a maximum of 3 photos per entry. Keep the sizes reasonable and they may be resized. Anything under 600x600 is great.
All photos must be received by July 20 12:00 PM (my time, if you're going to cut it that close you might not be entered).
All entries will remain anonymous.
Any hints or messages in threads to identify your piece will disqualify yourself.
You must be the person who framed the piece.
If you do not receive an email of acceptance in a day or two, contact me via a Private Message on the Grumble.
The entries will tentatively be posted the week of the 26th and judging will take place soon after that.
Judges will pick a winner for each category. The Grumble will vote for a popular choice winner which will also win awards.
Unfortunately you can only win once. In the even that some wicked awesome framer were to win more than one category, the second place winner will be awarded the prized but you will receive all bragging rights!
If you are outside the USA you are welcome to enter but I'm not certian if will recieve prizes. That will be up to the ones donating.
Like last year, you may enter pieces that have been posted on here before but its discouraged.
I'm sure I'll put something here I missed.
I hope this will again reinforce just why the Grumble is the only real Internet forum for framers. And a final thanks to William McKay for the obvious. Thanks man!
Enjoy and lets the entries pour in starting..............................NOW.
Carry on.