2006 Official Grumble Competition.

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
This will be posted here but the entries will be on display in the Frame Design section of the Grumble.

First I need to thank Kathy Wymore for her help. She had accepted the responsibility of all aspects of judging. Any questions about the judges and how they are judging should be addressed to her. Thanks Kathy.

Next I need to thank the judges Mark Klostermeyer, Jim Miller, and John Ranes.

I need to thank Cornel Rosca with American Choice and Peter Ackerman with United for really stepping up to the plate and offering some first class prizes.

Cornel will not approve of this introduction but I don't care. He makes what might be the finest closed corner frames on the market. He has offered to give 10 photo frames to each winner in the competition. You may think, “Who needs 10 photo frames?” Well you have absolutely no idea what your in for. These works of art might be the best frames you ever place in your gallery. Take a look at this sampling.


If you don’t know whom United Manufacturing Supplies is then you probably shouldn’t waste your time entering. Anybody who knows anything about framing, knows who United is. He has donated a $50 gift credit toward purchases of products from United to each winner.

Please support them by BUYING SOMETHING!

Thanks again Peter and Cornel! To tell you the truth, while I’m glad to carry on with what Angie started, not being eligible for prizes saddens me. You guys help make this worthwhile.

Now that the important stuff is out of the way here are the rules of this year’s competition.

The categories are:

(1) Objects/Shadowboxes (anything thicker than 1/4”)
(2) Art/prints on Canvas
(3) Works on Paper (posters, photos, LE Prints)
(4) *Specialty Matting (washed lines, embossing, you name it)
(5) Needlework/Textiles
(6) Collages (more than one of whatever)

If there is fewer than five entries in any particular category, it will be combined with a similar category.

*Most items in this category could possibly go into one of the others also but it’s your choice.


 Email photos of entries to jay@greatangles.com . The subject line must have the title of the category you wish to enter i.e. “Specialty Matting” or “Needlework/Textiles”

 The photos should be an attachment to that email

 Include the details of the framed item to be posted with the picture, follow this format:
1) Frame used:
2) Matting used:
3) Description of item framed:
4) Description of framing design
5) Other comments you would like to share about the project (like items used, techniques used)
6) Your name and Grumble handle and address.


 NEW! You can enter one frame in as many categories as you choose.

 You may only enter one frame per category.

 You may send a maximum of 3 photos per entry. Keep the sizes reasonable and they may be resized. Anything under 600x600 is great.

 All photos must be received by July 20 12:00 PM (my time, if you're going to cut it that close you might not be entered).

 All entries will remain anonymous.

 Any hints or messages in threads to identify your piece will disqualify yourself.

 You must be the person who framed the piece.

 If you do not receive an email of acceptance in a day or two, contact me via a Private Message on the Grumble.

 The entries will tentatively be posted the week of the 26th and judging will take place soon after that.

 Judges will pick a winner for each category. The Grumble will vote for a popular choice winner which will also win awards.

 Unfortunately you can only win once. In the even that some wicked awesome framer were to win more than one category, the second place winner will be awarded the prized but you will receive all bragging rights!

 If you are outside the USA you are welcome to enter but I'm not certian if will recieve prizes. That will be up to the ones donating.

 Like last year, you may enter pieces that have been posted on here before but its discouraged.

 I'm sure I'll put something here I missed.

I hope this will again reinforce just why the Grumble is the only real Internet forum for framers. And a final thanks to William McKay for the obvious. Thanks man!

Enjoy and lets the entries pour in starting..............................NOW.

Carry on.
Great job Jay! I'm so excited... I could actually enter something this year!!

I want to add to what Jay had to say about those who donated prizes.

I will also verify how awesome the frames are from American Choice Moulding! They are absolutely beautiful and full of quality... it is totally worth entering for them! The backs of the frames are even finished with an elegant paper... if I remember correctly they are worth over $100.00 a piece. Thank you so much for doing this again Cornel.

United is also just as awesome for offering prizes again. I hope you all know how much people appreciate your company. Thanks for doing this again Peter, I'm sure everyone is quite happy to see you on the list too!
Thanks to you both. Jay, you have it all organized and all sounds fair enough.
Angie, I particularly want to thank you for the job you did last year. I know there were some problems with your getting my pictures posted in the format I sent them, but you did it!

Also, the prizes from Cornel and Peter were and are great. Thanks to you two as well. :D
Boy, I have to think this through, .... maybe if I can enter a category that everyone who wins wins in a different category, I might have a chance hmm, ... what to do? I really want those prices hmmm, ... there must be some way to psych this out hmmm ...


Cornel and Peter, Thanks!
Great job Jay. You da man! Hey, maybe one of the mods could keep this at the top?

Yes, I have the judges sequestered....they will not be released until the contest has been decided. The results will be tabulated by Price Waterhouse and kept in a hermetically sealed jar....

You don't expect anything before July 19th do you?!?!?!!!!!
I got to back Jay on this, Cornel is da Man. His frames are like no other closed corner frame I have encountered. To anyone who wins this, because they entered because of me...you own me one.

So far we have a total of 0 entries.

I’m not overly concerned about this because I remember last year I entered with like 2 days to go. I shouldn’t have done that because only now do I realize the problem that might have caused if everybody did that at the same time. If you are planning on entering and have your piece already photographed, please send it on in.


Carry on.
Jay, if it is anything like last year they won't start submitting until the last minute!! Hopefully you get at least a few early birds. Come on you awesome framers, send those pictures in!! Jay is ready to work!!!
No catagory is an offical go yet but the entries are comming in. Thanks friends. Keep em commin.
I would have to do a count. I don't think there is a single full catagory yet, however entries are comming in. I don't think we are going to have a problem filling most catagories in the end but I must say that I am a bit dissapointed in the number of entries so far.

Keep em comming.
This thursday is it. Last night I started sorting the emails. I started to sort the emials last night. I would guess there is about 15 to 20 TOTAL entries. I have been a little preocupied recently and haven't been much of a cheerleader for this. We need more entries. As it stands right now we have as many catagories than we do total participants.

I can't think of a good reason to not enter something (well unless your a crummy framer) and with 3500+ registered memebers here we have only have about 4 or 5 people to enter.

If you wanted to wait until the last minute, you have done it. Four more days to go!

Carry on.
You mean 3500+ registered members since 1998 to day. Most of them are history by now.

In any TG poll that I checked with no more than 70-80 grumblers were participating and pushing the vote button.

Grumblers' maximum participation was registered when they had a chance to put a mark on a map and signal their existence. How many spots were registered on that map? Far from 3500+ I guess.

I noticed that every say two yrs. or so a new wave of grumblers get on board and old names go astray (or just become increasingly tired) and a new cycle of old topics and answers are being played again with a different cast. I believe that we had recently undergone such a change and 2005/2006 members are still holding back. Not everybody is built like Angie (and even Angie is today less consistent than she once used to be).

Well, I guess that we need to fight the fight regardless of how many registered grumblers are there. It is frustrating though to see how much energy organisers and sponsors must dedicate in return for grumblers' anonymous, minimal effort of being proud of their work and showing it off.
If time's rapidly running out, more needs to be done in order to convey the sense of urgency to those who planed to participate.
Yea I'm sorry if my post had a negitive over tone to it. I'm not disapointed with the participation but I do wish it were better. Hey I remember I entered last year about this time. Even today I have gottne about 10 more entries. It will be a good turnout I'm sure.
I swear I am sending in some entries tomorrow night (have to check on details of framing at shop tomorrow and resize the photos ...).

I swear, really!
Mine is coming. My camera at the shop broke, so I brought the one from home. The cord to download the image is at home, so I brought it home to download. Now I don't have the moulding numbers handy. Will have to email the image to the shop, then submit it.

Or is that more than anyone wanted to know?
Today at noon is the deadline. Then I will start to get them online. Hopefully by this weekend we can start voting and be done with this next week.

tick. tick. tick...........
I'm sorting out the entries right now. Shadowboxes had the most participation. I think there was 10 or so entered. Works on paper was second and we are certian go on textiles. Even specialty matting slid in with 5 entries. Art on canvas is probably going to have to be combined. Now here is the question. I have like 3 or 4 collages. I do NOT want to combine them. Would anybody object to opening this up for just a few more days for art on canvase and collages? I really need some responce on this so we can open it up NOW and get a few more entrys in. Yes, No, Maybe? HELP!!!!!!
Yea I need like 2 or collages and like 4 for canvases. So yea I would open up just those two catagories.
Ok. Becuase it will probably take me this long to get everything else posted, I am opening the catagories of Collages and cavasas until Monday at 5pm. Next week will be very busy for me so this is really it! Get em in. I need several canvas and a few collages will do it.

Then there's still time. Everybody...Back to work!
Terry, I just realized.. we've been cut out of this catigory: "art on CANVAS".

I cry FOUL! What is so wrong with paint on board? Icons even... If it was good 600 years ago, why not now? :D
The times they are a changing my friend. But what do you expect when you get to be 600 years old?
Very cool entries. I recognized two. One because he entered his piece in the PPFA competition. The other because the counter and carpeting are the same used to prop items for his web-site.
Shadowbox # 8, 9 and 10 only show the x box for me. I'm on windows XP Pro and a dial up. Is it just me?
You might have to right click the box and then click show picture.

I'm on dial up and I gave up looking at them because of problems with the pictures loading. :(
I went back, hit the refresh button and they loaded, so maybe it was me. I too am not sure I can vote because of the size of some photo's and time to load. It must be time to upgrade to wireless or cable.
If I get some time in the next day or so, I will resize the photos.

They are each under a meg but even still the pages can be quite large.
Nearing the end now, we need more votes!!! It's pretty close on a few of them!
Yikes, only 52 have voted so far? I am guilty, I haven't even had a chance to look yet, but, honestly, I had no idea the poll was down that far on the forum. I bet a lot of people have missed it too since there isn't much discussion going on..............

I'll do my Grumbler duty and vote tonight especially since my PPFA board meeting just got cancelled.
Yes, that's very sad of a recognition, indeed. I am supporting with 70 hand made, hand gilded in genuine gold leaf photo frames a contest in which only 52 people voted so far? I am embarrassed, to say the least. Perhaps I should reward voters next time around instead of contenders. :( :( :(
Four other topics on this page (Price check, Baer's class just ended, Framing diplomas and The future of the custom framing) had aroused more traffic and oppinions than this frame design contest with prizes worth $1,000 each.
Unfortunately, Cornel, I think it just gets buried since nobody is posting to the thread......I posted a reminder, it should get the numbers up.
I would say that 50 votes certainlly covers majority of the "regualars" around here. Considering that this isn't the final vote and the fact that I specifically asked people to wait until the end of the comp before discussing the pieces in depth, I'd say that 50-70 votes is about all that could be expected.
Yeah Jay, you are on to something. I just checked last years and there were only 45 votes.....It just seems like there should be more. But, if it is a small number it is a powerful group of people voting!
So vote late & vote often everyone. No, wait I don't want to encourage that sort of unethical behavior, this is a group with integrity right. But as one who has voted I'd like to 2nd Cornels idea of rewarding voters! Next time maybe I'll auction my vote. Watch ebay!