2006 competition Works on Paper

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
Here is the WORKS ON PAPER entries. Please check your entry and make sure its accurate. Email me about any problems. Please wait until all voting is complete before commenting. I don't want comments to effect the voting. Look for your chance to vote in the voting booth in the next few days. Thanks to everybody who entered.

Entry #1

Photograph of ancient Greek building with ornate columns.
Frame: Decor 8096 over LJ 406CS which was planed down along the outer decorative (compo) edge so that the outer frame would lay flat.
Mat: Crescent Mercury Suede 7188, reverse bevel;
Filet: LJ 130112.
Glazing: TruVue Conservation Clear.
Mounting: Artcare Restore.
Had a lot of fun stacking frames until we found just the right one in color and style to compliment the photograph. Client went bananas over the finished job.



Entry #2

1. Frame Custom Rough Sawn Fire Stained Cedar
2. C9707 Fresco-Verona / B4073 Bark
3. Open Edition Print "Gentle Giants" by James Spearman
4. Ethnic
5. Matting was seleted for texture relationship to subject matter. Conservation Clear Glass and Hinge Mounting. Frame was Custom Built using 2 layers (offset) of rough sawn 1 x 4 red cedar, which was then fire stained with torch. Vines were soaked in water to allow them to be shaped to frame. Natural grasses were included in the framing package.



Entry #3
1 Frame:
Roma 32541048 (Now Disc) High glosss laquer white
2 Matting: Various by Artique, top bright White, blue, & red
3 Description of Item(s): LTD ed. Signed numbered also by all the pilots of canada’s Snowbird airobatic team
4 Description of design: Wanted to mimic the Canadian flag a bit with the side panels (cda flag has maple leaf in the ctr with 2 red bars at the sides), includes V-groove and hand carved planes cut outs and hand carved intertwined planes & 30 yr anniversary numbers



Entry #4

1) Frame used: MAX 1465b
2) Matting used:N/A
3) Description of item framed: Egyptian Painting on Papyrus Paper
4) Description of framing design: The Incredible Floating Paper
5) Other comments you would like to share about the project (like items used, techniques used) I have a very loyal customer who is a world Taveler. he buy's little pieces that he likes, (unframed Obviously) & Brings them to me with stories (rarely pictures, Just his descriptions) of how he saw similar pieces framed. he told me he saw a piece like this one just sandwiched between some glass, and he loved it. Now I said I can't verywell with a clean concious do that, but he had his heart set on it. So i found a way the piece is actually housed between to very thin pieces of Acid Free, PVC Free Mylar, with two very small dots of Nori Paste on the back side to keep it in place. Then that package is suspended between two pieces of Conservation Reflection Control Glass, and Hung with two D-rings on each of the upright legs.




Entry #5

I use for the frame Foster Planing Mill #237 with a build-up. The compo design is from the 1870 Chippendale catalog. The finish is oxide gesso undercoat tinctured with Spanish raw Varnish applied in thin glazes, and rubbed back with ruby rottenstone and Japan oil. Final finish is: three layers of walnut tinted carnauba wax, gently buffed to a low sheen.

The mat is Almond Pongee silk wrapped on 4ply Alphcare Off-white. The fillet is basswood that was gold metal leafed to seal with the same finish as the frame. Fillet was finished as a closed corner.
Lineco barrier tape was applied as prophylaxis to off gassing, then a 2-ply rag paper to separate the photo from the mat.

Photo was dry mounted on 8-ply rag board.

Frame was sealed with Tyvek and number 6 wire and brackets were used for hanging.

The use of a Chippendale style of frame was to call up old world feeling, along with hinting at unseen lace as well as echo the wavy curl of the models hair.


Entry #6

1) Frame used: Decor #6903 matte black scoop
2) Matting used: Top-Crescent #989 Raven Black
Bottom- Crescent #989 Raven Black
3) Description of item framed : Water color cave painting (by 8 year old)
4) Description of framing design: art floated on black reversed bevel foam spacer, top mat reversed bevel
spaced by black reversed bevel foam bd., reflection control glass
5) Other comments: Trying to achieve dark cave-like effect with art illuminated (like a spelunker with a flashlight)


And the Winners are!

First place is entry #5 framed by Baer (who is ineligible to win again).

Second First place is entry number entry #3 framed by HB (you need to email me your contact info if you want a prize).


Third is entry #6 framed by kra.


Great job folks. Please feel free to claim the rest of your projects. If you all request, I can reveal the rest of the participants, but it would save me considerable work if you will identify yourself!

Also fire away with any questions, comments or concerns you have about any of these pieces.
Congrats to the winners. Again, I was truly impressed with the creativity of the designs.

A question for the person who did Entry #2 (Gentle Giants). How did you attach the vines on the frame once you soaked them and shaped them to the frame? Did you use small brads and/or glue or something else?