2006 competition Specialty Matting

Jay H

PFG, Picture Framing God
Dec 8, 2003
Here is the Specialty Matting entries. Please check your entry and make sure its accurate. Email me about any problems. Please wait until all voting is complete before commenting. I don't want comments to effect the voting. Look for your chance to vote in the voting booth in the next few days. Thanks to everybody who entered.

Entry #1
1) Frame used: International 495-30 & 495-35
2) Matting used: Bainbridge 8641; Bainbridge 8516; Crecent 27154
3) Description of item framed: Two Mucha Litho's
4) Description of framing design Very Art Nouveau To complement the imagry and maintain the soft fell of the overall piece
5) Other comments you would like to share about the project (like items used, techniques used) To begin with the rounded corners were done to match the plate marks, then the custom designed notched top to accentuate the Mosaic behind the womens heads. As a final feature each of these (They were being hung as a pair ) has a v-groved modified version of wizards FeathersAN.WCA. I used the solid core mat to minimize the impact of the v-grove element, and used the wizard software to simplify the design so it would not detract from the piece on a whole.




Entry #2
C1627 Cerise / C1672 Barlely Pink / B8181 Black
Vintage Barbie Greeting Cards
Tri-colored mat was hand cut to reflect memories of the tri-color coconut 1 Penny candies so popular when these cards were first issued. Wanted to flood viewer with subliminal memories of childhood. Cards are floated at different levels to add visual interest and movement as shadows change with viewing angle.




Entry #3
1-FRAME USED: 1" wide maple (don't know the specific moulding number-not a moulding I carry)
2-MATTING USED: Bainbridge Alphamat #8574 Sapphire (top mat) plus 7 under mats of Alphamat
3-DESCRIPTION OF ITEM: 'Heroes' Stamp sheet
4-DESCRIPTION OF DESIGN: Main design feature is a patriotic design of a top mat of blue with 7 under mats alternating (painted) red and (unpainted) white bevel colors, with the bevels all lined up to look like one continuous bevel that's one half-inch thick.


Entry #4

1 Frame: Roma 11081000 Custom colored to Bright Blue

2 Matting: Various Acid Free

3 Description of Item(s): All 4 team Jerseys of gretzky, various cards,
photos, and first & last game sheet

4 Description of design: Wanted to incorporate all jerseys & logos in 1
frame - 40 x 60. Th LOGOS are all handcarved out of matting - not stickers -
only stickers is the lettering on St.Louis & the crown - even the Kings is
scratched through the surface paper. Note the various changes of the top &
second matte for effect.

5 Comments: Biggest job we've done!



Entry #5

Frame Used - Hughes Mouldings CA045
Matting Used - All Savage white core - Top Mat: Off White; Bottom Mat: Salem Black & Electric Blue
Description of Item Framed - 3 famous photographs of Marilyn Monroe by photographer Milton H Greene
Description of Frame Design - Double matted, specialty cut mat, originally designed in Corel draw, and then imported into Gunnar SPT32 software to cut on a Gunnar F1-XL CMC.



Entry #6

Respecting the ideals of the Aboriginal Indigenous Peoples of the Pacific North West, I have incorporated the themes of “the Circle of Life”, and because of the dominate presence of the Orcas and Owl, I have stayed with the emphases of dark on dark [as in the dark body passing through the dark sea, and the dark shadow passing through the dark night.]

As true in nature, so I wanted in the framing. Perception from a distance is not the same as when viewed intimately.

Circle frame painted and polished to a mat sheen of 23% or less light return.
24-ply black core rag mat
Vinyl mask
Museum glass
Lineco barrier tape
Nori paste and mulberry tissue hinges
8-ply Natural rag backer
Framers points
Tyvek dust cover
#4 wire and brackets

EQUIPMENT: (Did you use any special equipment? If so how?)
#11 & 14 X-Acto knives for cutting and weeding vinyl mask
Polyvinyl squeegee to apply mask evenly
Utility knife to free-hand carve mat opening

TECHNIQUE: (Briefly state techniques used, including description of mounting, mat cutting,
special support systems, fitting, etc.)

Three sheets of 8-ply black core rag were bonded with archival PVA.
A vinyl mask (inert according to Hugh Phibbs of the National Art Museum, Washington D.C.) was carved in the enlarged pattern of the artwork, and applied to the uncut board.
A template was aligned and the cut outline was drawn.
After re-grinding and sharpening a utility knife to a 15° thin kerf, it was used to cut the mat opening in one cut by hand (As taught by Brian Wolf, CPF, GCF).

The Print was hinged, using torn and deckled Mulberry paper and rice paste in the Micro Dot pattern as prescribed by Hugh Phibbs and F.A.C.T.S.

The backing board of natural colored 8-ply rag was hinged to the back of the mat.

The frame was sanded and repainted with a mat luster black low VOC acrylic paint, which was applied with a high-pressure low volume delivery system to enhance the micro texture of the paint in a non-reflective surface. The surface was rubbed out and a wax finish was applied for the proper reflective value.

Vinyl masks representing the two focal characters were carved and adhered to the surface of the frame that the whole was re-waxed for sealing. The two decals are slight offset from the true vertical to balance and harmonize with the turbulence of the image.

The rabit was sealed with three coats of shellac and lined with Lineco Aluminum Barrier tape as prescribed by F.A.C.T.S, Chris Paschke, CPF, GCF and John Ranes, III, CPF.

The entire package of Museum Glass, mat, print, and backing were secured with Framers points as recognized by the PPFA in accordance with national preservation standards.

A dust cover of Tyvek for puncture resistance and preservation qualities was applied with a double adhesion of AF ATG and pH neutral pure PVA.

4-hole brackets and #4 coated wire were affixed as per Paul Fredrick, for secure hanging.

Specialty Matting

First place is entry #6 by Baer (who is ineligible to win more than once. Great job Baer).


Second First is entry #1 framed by Uncle Eli.


Third is entry #4 framed by HB.

Great job folks. Please feel free to claim the rest of your projects. If you all request, I can reveal the rest of the participants, but it would save me considerable work if you will identify yourself!

Also fire away with any questions, comments or concerns you have about any of these pieces.
Awesome job everyone and congrats to the winners
These entries certainly give me lots of new ideas :D