2006 Competition Finalists - Popular Choice

2006 Competition Finalists

  • Two Mucha Litho's.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Lance E

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Forum Donor
Oct 31, 1999
Hamilton, New Zealand
Here are the finalists, click on the image here for a larger view. More photos of some of them are available in their original thread.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="45%"><table width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tr><td align="center">Oil on board Portrait of Rembrandt van Rijn in his 60's.</td></tr></table><tt></tt></td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="45%">
<table width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td align="center">Dion Phaneuf autographed jersey etc.</td>
<td width="45%">
<table width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td align="center">LTD ed Signed numbered also by all the pilots.</td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="45%">
<table width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td align="center">Gun &amp; some western books.</td>
<td width="45%">
<table width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td align="center">Antique oil can and photo.</td>
<td width="10%"></td>
<td width="45%">
<table width="80%" border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" align="center">
<td align="center">Two Mucha Litho's.</td>

[ 09-04-2006, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Lance E ]
Whats this for? Best of the best? Man, that might just be to hard to choose. The pressure, the pressure.
Thats correct....this will dertimine the winner of the popular choice catagory.
Times is almost up (less than a day to go if the "board time" matched my clock). (I wonder if anyone has a clock it matches...?)
Ok, times almost out so I did my duty. I was holding out hoping for that "all of the above" box to appear. Great job everybody!
I looked at the winners of all the categories in the competition. Congrats to everyone. I'm simply amazed at all the creativity and expertise that went into all the entries.

Jay, are the results in for the popular choice award? I'm sure there are others beside myself who'd like to know.
Karen, if you click on the "Results" button in the poll you will see the winner, it was a strongly fought battle!

If you didn't vote then you won't be able to see the results - I am sure Jay will tell you but until then you wait! (that way you will vote next year...)
Thanks, Lance - my mind wasn't thinking straight, I guess. I voted and I checked the results a few times during the voting period. I should have remembered that... how embarrassing
I will happily believe that you were stunned by the work so much and that finding out the winner was so exciting it caused a brain bump.
I know I'm dense ,and i did vote ,only to see what i thought were entries posted after i voted .But then I saw what i thought were the best of the best or Popular choice final numbers and saw that the three judges results are in . so why am I not sure who won what and even if it is all over yet. I say this with even more deprivation since after reading Baer's new thread
"Cant win for winning' i am even more confused ,not only as to the results but just what the h3ll Baer is speaking about and where he got the guidelines from and why I seem to be the only one who doesn't have a clue about any of this. LOL
Hey Buddy, don't feel bad - I am confused too. I think this thread is about the Popular Choice finalist and the judge's results have yet to be announced - at least I can't find anything...
Buddy, any chance you can rephrase your first sentence? I have no idea what it means but maybe I did something that didn't work for you???

I have altered the heading of the thread to help save confusion about this.

Jay might post links on this thread to the final results thread...?
Originally posted by Lance E:
I will happily believe that you were stunned by the work so much and that finding out the winner was so exciting it caused a brain bump.
Lance, that is exactly what happened ;) :D
It would be great to have all the first place winners and the popular choice winner on one thread sans the references to who did or didn't win because of ineligibility.
Does this link work for anyone else?

What I am looking for is a listing of all the winners of the 2006 Grumble competition - any one know off hand that there was one?

That link didn't work for me either, HB. It just came up that the page could not be displayed. For that matter, I just did a 'show threads' for the past year in the "Picture Frame Design" forum, and I couldn't find any of the threads that were about the 2006 competition categories, except the poll thread. Perhaps those original threads were moved or saved somewhere else?
The link won't work because it is from the old site.

Contact Jay H by Private Message for the title of the thread about it - I can't remember what it was but it was something odd. Cornell may also have a list he can share.
Grumble thread.

That links to the original Grumble thread - now it works for this site.

All the original threads exist - they have not been deleted or moved. When I get the chance I will go through and put "2006" in their titles if you like. If you can't see them (100 days search shows them at the moment) then check to see if they're showing on the next page...?
Did anyone get anything after winning any of the categories? I havn't rcvd even a paper showing we won a category - yet we did last year.

I just thought there has to be at least a recognition to the finalists so that we could prove to someone that we placed. I am not looking for a prize or anything - just a proof we can show that we placed.

maybe I am missing something...
I don't think you are missing anything. Somebody would have had to volunteer to award certificates and such. It appears nobody did. Keep in mind there isn't an official committee handling this. Jay volunteered to take this on this year and he did a bang up job if you ask me.......I bet you could print up your own certificate for proof and nobody would be the wiser......
There you go, all the relevant threads should have "2006 competition" on them now, if you see one that doesn't please email/private message me so I can fix it up.

Hope that helps.
Print the thread. That should serve as proof.

If somebody wanted to print up something neater, I think that would be a great idea. If you're offering, HB, Staples or Walmart or something has some nice blank certificate paper you could print them on. I'd be willing to dig up the addresses for the winners when your ready to mail them. Thanks.
I'll look into it in the new year!
Or maybe since you have already done your fair share Jay those interested in getting a certificate could email HB directly. Cut out the middleman so to speak.

Carry on!