1930 Report from The Picture & Mirror Frame Manufacturers' Assn

Marc Lizer

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
North Hollywood, CA
The Picture & Mirror Frame Manu*facturers' *Assn. of America and Allied Industries stands for the highest ethics in the conduct of business; the perpetuation of the wholesale distributor and an appreciation of the industry's products.

The Picture & Mirror Frame Manufacturers' Assn, of America and Allied Industries is not a price-fixing body but is an exponent of confidence and co-operation between all factors of the industry,

The Picture & Mirror Frame Manufacturers' Assn, of America *and Allied Industries devotes itself *by all proper means to correcting such evils and abuses as may exist and elevating of standards. ptimistic Regarding ew Year

L EADERS in the picture and mirror frame industry report that the last full week of the year set a new high level in production and earnings generally.

Confidence in the nation's economic stability, however, was the keynote of the array of business realization which came into, full being at the closing of the year's *business. *Some of *the, larger manufacturers report highly grtifying bookings *of *orders for January and February business *well in excess of the usual volume.

It is a source of satisfaction to *manufacturers, distributors and retailers generally *to have the *assurance from the nation's statistical, economic and business advisory *services to *the^, effect that there will be a continuance of production *generally and that the *volume turnover of goods appears *to have *been *equal to that of the holiday season last year, in fact, surpassed it in numerous instances.

Furthermore, the bank reports indicate that currency requirements were as large as usual. The *picture and mirror frame industry certainly sustained its reputation *for soundness and logical progress during the last quarter of the year. It was a noticeable fact that retailers themselves did not find it necessary to make radical price concessions to the public in order to sell these highly desirable products.

*Never before has there been such a thorough appreciation of framed mirrors and fitted pictures, tapestries, *etc., as has been evidenced by the holiday season just concluded. Numerous instances were afforded where the major gifts consisted of pictures and mirrors.

One outstanding fact regarding 1929 is that it emphasized the demand for pictures, mirrors and portraits. The old tendency of considering them as luxuries is fast disappearing. Department stores, furniture stores and art dealers as well as gift shops have indeed done a highly creditable job in advancing the numerous reasons why there should be more mirrors and pictures in the home.

Manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers generally will of course, be occupied with inventory *taking the first *week or so of the New Year and the consensus of opinion *from authoritative sources indicates *a good continuation of business as the months come and go.

There is no question but what industry and the public generally are greeting 930^, with genuine enthusiasm and this is backed by the rational knowledge of the fact that business itself throughout the entire country need have no cessation. The general plan of expansion programs pledged by so many of our leading industries admirably reflects the excellent business tone of our nation in general.

Naturally, all of these good indications will readily find a good reaction in the picture and mirror industry. The manufacturer who keeps in close touch with his distributors and co-operates with them in the merchandising of products can look forward with high hopes to a busy, prosperous New Year in 1930.

President Herman Molner and the Board of *Directors at the final Executive Meeting for 1929 *which *took place December 18th in Chicago expressed *their satisfaction for the excellent way *in which the industry in general has *maintained its high average.

The PMF *Manufacturers' Association of America wishes to take this opportunity to express its *sincere appreciation for *the wonderful manner in which *framed mirrors and pictures have been *and are being featured by the National Retail Furniture Association in its tremendous campaign in the newspapers and *women's *magazines throughout the country. *The campaign itself involves an expenditure of *$4,000,000.00 over *a period of five years' time. The facts are being strongly brought up that framed pictures and mirrors are integral parts of the furniture family. ,

The 1930 convention of the PMF *Manufacturers' Association to be held the last week in April *in Chicago continues to draw greatly increased interest. Every indication points to even greater attendance than last year's and the program will be one of remarkable interest for everyone concerned with the industry. The group sessions will treat on the particular problems of manufacturers of *the various types of frames and wholesalers *will vary their program so as to *participate in the joint sessions, .Plans *are now under way for the immense exhibit of *the P11F Manufacturers' Association *at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933. The industry generally will be given an opportunity to participate in this international event, the result of which will unquestionably be of great educational value to the millions who will attend this great exposition.

We^, wonder how many of our readers among the wholesalers of picture and mirror frames and buyers for department stores received and read the recent bulletin entitled "Believe it or Not" sent out by the PMF Manufacturers' Association. There is a world of wisdom in it, a fact which is also readily agreed to by those who have also read the "Helpful Hint" entitled "I saved a Dime"!

Start ofl^- " 1930 with a clean slate as nearly as possible. Keep your stocks in clean, salable conditions at all times. No *matter how long you've been in business, it will pay you to be open to new ideas. *This is a splendid business. Happy New Year! .