13th Annual EPFG Festival March 19th

Terry Scidmore CPF

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jul 5, 2001
Seattle, WA 98168
It's time once again for the annual EPFG Education Festival! Held Sunday, March 19th, at The Embassy Suites in Tukwila, WA. this years event consist of seven (!) three hour classes and two one and one-half hour classes, breakfast bar, incredible buffet lunch, social hour with hors d'oeuvres and a free drink, framing competition, awards, keynote speaker, door prizes, goodie bags, a chance to chat with everyone, and lots of other surprises.

Cost? $125 before March 4th includes the entire day with your choice of classes, EPFG membership and newsletter throughout the year. Additional people from the same shop are $70.

And what a great lineup of teachers this year!

Meg Peters of Finer Frames, Meridian, Idaho, will be teaching two classes on marketing and promotion.

Baer Charlton of Franks Fabrics will be slopping the glue and fabric everwhere in a hands on class on working with fabric, and ed-u-cat-in' us about the Louis, the fat, bored pope, and Chip-n-Dales in a class on the History of Frames and Framing.

Charles Douglas of The Charles Douglas Guilding Studio will be teaching two hands on classes in guilding and applying compo.

Grant Smith of The Canadian Picture Framer's School will be offering a practical, hands on approach to object mounting.

Leonard DuBoff, founding partner of the DuBoff Law Group of Portland will speak on copyright and legal issues in regards to art and framing. Mr. DuBoff will also be our keynote speaker this year.

Check out our web site www.nwpictureframers.com, hosted by EPFG board member and festival sponsor John Ferens of Ferensoft, for the latest information, registration form, judging criteria and competition entry form!
Molly Boone-Jones will be teaching the CPF preparation class with a practice test. Great chance to get ready to take your CPF exam!

Sorry, Molly! I don't know where my head is at these days!
To the top!

There is still time to register, although several classes are nearly full.

Baer has a super special offer for people taking his class. You can also purchase his video during the day.

Several sponsors have graciously given some wonderful door prizes. The goodie bags you will be going home with look pretty nice this year. Plus, you just might win a gift certificate to Home Depot, Costco, or one of the unique and special StarBucks cards direct from Australia - a really special design on these cards and loaded with some money for Starbucks purchases.

Don't forget that attending sales reps and vendors also receive our EPFG THANK YOU! StarBucks cards.

More food this year, too! Molly picked all kinds of goodies for breakfast, snacks during the day, lunch, and the social hour.
WOW! There's FOOD too?! :eek:

If you're anywhere within 1,000 miles, the day is worth the drive/flight.

OK, make that 2,000 miles, Molly is teaching, and you can hug Terry.
Ah, shucks, Baer!

(you're blowing the tough as nails, nasty to the core, meanest, wickedest %$&* in the west image I have been so carefully cultivating all of these years!)

Baer - let's see if we can't get princess grandma Linnie to post the sponsors for the festival! Without their support, we would not be able to have a festival like this!

Just to start the thank you's off:

Crescent for Meg Peters
Ferensoft for sponsorship AND hosting the EPFG web site AND so much more
Franks Fabrics for Baer
Framers Inventory for their support of my "History of Frames and Framing" lecture.

Terry Hart for his work on St Bevelowe
I beleive the 2007 tenttative date is March 25th. Web site is in progress but you can check us out through www.Ferensoft.com, click on left side on events and that will take you to our site.

Wow, you would fly all the way across country just to see little old us, I am impessed!

EPFG Treasurer
Paul - we would love to have you come! Who knows what we will come up with for next year - we start planning just about after the third or fourth drink during the "social hour" at the end of the festival. . . .

. . . although it looks like princess grandma Linnie has been celebrating a leetle tad early this year judging from her post.

A few more of our wonderful sponsors who deserve recognition:

Jayeness Moulding
Designer Moulding
National Glass Industries

Terry The Terrible * Official EPFG Troublemaker/Muckraker and Rabblerouser
Paul, I'm available (currently) for the latter half of July and early August for teaching through your local PPFA chapter.

But I know you were just coming to see Terry and Lynn . . . but you haven't met the third sister..Molly. (she only lurks. shes bashful)
You know, Baer, perhaps people aren't aware of all of the unique things they receive or can participate in when they come to the education festival.

Not only do they have an entire day of great classes with wonderful instructors, but they also receive the EPFG newsletter over the coming year,
can attend any EPFG meetings - including the sneaked in unplanned ones like the EPFG Fabric Fantasia Brunch held this last summer, and can take advantage of our lending library.

And of course, all EPFG events include lots of comraderie and FOOD!

Again, major thanks to our sponsors and supporters who make all of this possible:

Crescent Cardboard
Designer Moulding
Framers Inventory
Frame Tek
Jayeness Moulding
Max Moulding
National Glass Industries
Nielsen Bainbridge
Pacific Framing Supply
Studio Moulding
Tru Vue
Wizard International

We couldn't do it without each and every one of you!
I'm totally stoked about going this year. Would have gone last year, but I was in China..

Definately worth getting my programmer-butt out of bed at 6 in the morning for..
Let's see, we have 7 different classes to choose from, a key note speaker at lunch, a nationally recognized teacher doing two different classes, breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks and appetizers, print framing competition worth mega bucks for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and popular choice,door prizes of various things relating to framing and gift cards from major national chains to spend on yourself, a goodie bag upon entering, meeting new and experienced framers, making new friends, a chance to review Baer's fabric wrapped mats video, purchase a shop apron at a ridiculous low price, and the cost of the day includes your membership for one year in the Evergreen Picture Framers Guild with a published newsletter.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it doesn't get much better than this!

If interested in attending please call me for late registration, Lynn Clark at 206-363-2100.

Weather forecast for Seattle for Sunday, March 19th is a beautiful 58 degrees, and I promise a fantastic view of Mt. Rainier at 14,000 feet!
Don't forget to mention those great door prizes - especially the one from Pat Kotnour of Attach-ez!

She has sent the new Attach-ez All-In-One Kit and the EZ-Tack complete kit. Thanks, Pat! We really appreciate your support of the festival!

If you can't attend the EPFG festival this year, check out Baers Fabric Wrapping classes in Denver April 2, and Nashville in November!
Gee Lynn, you really know how to undersell the day, don't you.

Way to go Pat. What a great donation to the cause. Someone is going to VEWY HAPPY.

Now if I just shake off this Sinusitus and Laringitus in time for some fun..
Well, I've decided to stop lurking and start typing! I'm not a virgin anymore, I guess!! First time posting on the grumble, but this means so much to me I couldn't resist...

I'm VERY involved with EPFG. These folks are so great to work with AND play with. We always have a blast! I can't understand why everyone doesn't get involved in their local framing groups. We are always looking for new blood so some of us "old bloods" can sit back and watch...

And our sponsers are the GREATEST! Jayeness Moulding in Seattle, Framer's Inventory in Portland and Larson Juhl in Seattle in particular this year, all have donated 8x10 shadowbox frames for one of our classes on TOP of their regular annual sponsership. If you are an EPFG member and one of their customers, PLEASE be sure to let them know how much you appreciate their support!!! (And if you're an EPFG member and NOT their customer, you should consider their wares.) We couldn't put on this shin-dig without them...all of our sponsers. Thank you guys!

I'll be back...after the Festival!

Molly B.
There, that wasn't so bad was it Molly?

Was your first time as good for you, as it . . .

Sorry Terry, I just could get it out.

As the rest of the world can see, we of the EPFG are very passionate about our Guild.

Molly is the past president and served about a zillion years.
I am looking forward to meeting some of you for the first time and seeing some of you again. Unfortunately I will have to return to the B.C. sunday night so I won't be able to stay long afterword.

James, are they really letting you cross the border? :eek:

Do they know that you're a "Framer"?

Will be fun to see you again. We'll buy each other a drink.