101 Designs By Brian Wolf CPF, GCF

Jul 13, 2003
Johnstown, PA
We're considering this new book for gallery/framing use. However, since I selected Sept. 17th for a Don Troiani Artist Show, a trip to Atlanta was not possible this year. I'd hoped to see the book and talk to Mr. Wolf at the Atlanta show.
We'd appreciate any thoughts on this volume ... from those Grumblers who care to comment... before we make a purchase.
I bought a copy of it at the show. It's usually $99.00 but they're running a show special, good through the West Coast Art & Framing show in January, of $69.00.

Despite the title, there are more like 200 designs shown, with an explanation of how they were done and some design tips. If you do much with v-grooves, mixed openings and merged openings, there won't be a lot in there that's totally new. For those people, its main value will be inspiration. For those who haven't used those techniques, it's a great tutorial.

It also comes with a CD that can be installed on your Wizard computer with cut files for all the designs in the book. Most of them can be used very easily by just modifying the opening dimensions and borders.

I think it's worth every penny and can give noobs and old-timers both some inspiration.